
Beat the game and join our team

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Give potential team members a chance to demonstrate their abilities while having fun.


Clone the repository, and run bundle install. You will need to have redis running in order for the server to work.

$ ruby sinserv.rb. 

Watch a simulated game by running. This will play a mock game against the server.

ruby client2.rb

API Overview

Our API is based on a JSON interface over HTTP using POST requests. All responses and requests should be made in JSON encoded strings.

API Reference

    Interface           Description
    POST /register      Use this action to register and start a new game
    POST /nuke          Use this action to launch your salvos at us

Status Messages

**200 OK** - All requests respond with this

**400 BAD REQUEST** - If your request is malformed

Making Requests

Requests to the server are made in JSON

    POST /register
    json: { "name":"Your name", "email":"" }

Register yourself and start a game by POSTing to



    name        Your name
    email       Your email address



    id          id of the game being played
    x           x target coordinate
    y           y target coordinate


Responses from the server are also sent as JSON encoded strings.

The server will respond to a request to /register with a game id and the first salvo coordinates of the game. Thats right, we always go first.

Example response:

    { "id":<id>, "x":<x>, "y":<y> }

Possible keys for responses

    id              : Returned upon registration
    x               : x coordinate of fired salvo
    y               : y coordinate of fired salvo
    status          : Can be hit or miss
    sunk            : Name of the craft which was sunk
    game_status     : Returned with "lost" when the game is lost
    error           : If something went wrong, this will contain the error message
    prize           : Once you have sunk all the enemy ships, this will contain your prize

General Information

The game is played on a 10x10 board with the following ships:

1 x Carrier (5 long)
1 x Battleship (4 long)
1 x Destroyer (3 long)
2 x Submarines (2 long)
2 x Patrol Boats (1 long)

Once all ships are sunk, you will be rewarded with "The Prize", that prize being an email address to which you can mail your CV.


Clone the repository, and run bundle install. Once the required gems are installed, you can start the server by running ruby sinserv.rb. You will need to have redis running in order for the server to work.

You can watch a simulated game by running ruby client2.rb. This will play a mock game against the server.

Testing Nukeit

Run rake test to run the test suite. Nukeit requires redis to be running on a standard port.